Page 19 - 7901 Product Guide
P. 19
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Description Product Package Size(s) Description Product Package Size(s)
Code(s) Code(s)
Ready to Use - RTU Products Bowl Tamer RTU 11811214 6x1 qt/case
Thickened tamed acid
Enviro Care 11897814 6x1 qt/case cleaner for cleaning and
Washroom Cleaner RTU descaling toilet bowls. Safer
Biobased, citric acid wash- than conventional acid
room cleaner for removing
soap film, body oils, and Dilution: Ready to Use
mineral buildup from any Fragrance: Floral
washable surface. Color: Blue-Green
Dilution: Ready to Use PRODUCT 87% pH: 1.6
Fragrance: Mild Liqui Scrub 12048014 6x1 qt/case
Color: Light Green Non acid, non caustic,
pH: 4.0 cream cleanser for cleaning
Proxi Spray & Walk 11849314 6x24 oz (710ml)/case hard surfaces in restrooms.
Away 11849327 4x1 gal/case Dilution: Ready to Use
Hydrogen peroxide spot Fragrance: Pleasant
remover for use on organic Color: White
stains such as wine, cola, pH: 9.5
coffee, or blood. Breaks
down the source of the Mold Master 11758214 6x1 qt/case
stain without scrubbing, Chlorinated, high foaming
blotting or extraction. tile and grout rejuvenator
Dilution: Ready to Use. for use in shower and bath
Color: Clear Colorless areas.
pH: 7.8 Dilution: Ready to Use
Fragrance: Floral
Blitz 10045014 6x1 qt/case
Heavy duty liquid drain Color: Clear Amber
pipe cleaner for removing pH: 13.0
organic matter including
Dilution: Ready to Use
Fragrance: Odorless
Color: Clear Red
pH: 14.0