Page 28 - 7901 Facility Supplies Product Guide
P. 28

           U.S. Only
           Canada Only
             Description               Product   Package Size(s)        Description               Product   Package Size(s)
                                       Code(s)                                                    Code(s)
     EZ-Mix                                                     SNAP!
             EZ-Mix Dispenser          35717800  Each                   SNAP!  Wall Mount Dispenser  35065900  E-Gap Each
                                                                        Chemical proportioning system for use   35073200  Air Gap Each
                                                                        with Rochester Midland’s SNAP! super
                                                                        concentrate closed packaged products.
                                                                        Small footprint, easy to install and use,
             EZ-Mix Foamer             35720600  Each                   patented technology to prevent cross
                                                                        contamination, low flow and high flow
                                                                        dispensing for bottles, buckets and
             EZ-Mix Mating Cap         35717900  Each                   SNAP!  Mobile             35389900  Each
                                                                        The same benefits of the SNAP!
                                                                        Wallmount Dispenser with portability.
                                                                        Use quick disconnect to easily transfer
             EZ-Mix Wall Rack          35718100  Each                   to multiple areas.
             Holds up to 4 bottles of EZ-Mix or                         SNAP! Foam Wand           35571200  Each
             SNAP! or 1 2.5 Gallon container
                                                                        Simply connect the foam wand to a
                                                                        SNAP! half gallon bottle and connect
             EZ-Mix Hose                35718000  Each                  water supply to apply foaming solution
                                                                        for your cleaning needs.  Ideal for rest-
             & Quick Disconnect                                         rooms, showers and other large areas.
                                                                        Pump - 1 oz 38mm Cap  (gallon   35717100  Each
             Chemizer 2                35748500  Each
             Chemical dispensing system for up to 2                     4cc Pump                  35757800  Each
             EZ-Mix products with locking cabinet.
             Both bottle and bucket fill.

                                                                        Pump - Drum               30258000  Each
             Chemizer IV               35718600  Each with E Gap
             Chemical dispensing system for up to 4  35719500  Each with Air Gap
             EZ-Mix products with locking cabinet.
             Both bottle and bucket fill.
                                                                        Pump Mist for Gal         35752800  Each

              1 Button HI Flow Dispenser   35506100  Each with E Gap
             Chemical dispensing system.

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